image credit: seo-vip.net
How to improve your blog’s SEO
This post is a little different to my usual posts. Recently I have been learning a lot about SEO, so I thought I would post some helpful tips on how to improve your blog’s SEO
If you have a blog, read blogs, follow people (who write blogs) on twitter etc. then most likely you would have seen people talking about their blog’s SEO.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’. SEO is basically there to measure or improve your blog’s visibility on internet search engines. If you blog comes up on the first two pages of a search engine, you are doing well. According to Optimisation Australia- “93% of users don’t look further than the first 2 pages of search results” and “85% of all people find websites by using search engines”. If you have little or know information of how SEO works, then getting your blog to appear in those first two pages, is easier said than done.
With some helpful tips, I will show you how to improve your blog’s SEO and attract more views to your blog.
New wordpress SEO plugin- Currently there is a SEO plugin available to self hosted blogs that use wordpress.org called WordPress SEO by yoast it uses on-page content analysis (where you edit your posts) to ‘check’ if you have the best optimisation possible. I have been using this plugin for over a week now and I think it’s great! How it works- you choose a ‘focus keyword’ or phrase that you want your post to be found by. WordPress SEO will pick up where that focus keyword or phrase appears in your post. Above the ‘publish’ button there is a dot. This dot will appear as one of three colours. Red= your post will be hard to find on search engines and your focus keyword needs to appear more times (and places on your post), Yellow= Optimisation is OK, but could be improved and Green= great SEO, it will be easier to find your blog on a search engine, your focus keywords appear throughout (including in the post url and title) and your post is easily read.
For bloggers that don’t use wordpress.org– I will explain further…SEO is all about keyword placement and how many times (and where) that keyword or keywords appear on your blog post.
Here are a few tips (with examples) on how you can improve your blog’s SEO –
(keywords highlighted in bold letters)
1. Place the keyword/s in the title
eg. ‘Mascara Monday: Australis Lash Length Extensions Mascara‘
2. Place the keywords in the post’s URL
eg. http://www.cottoncandydiva.com/2012/03/27/mascara-monday-australis–lash–length–extensions–mascara/
3. Placing the keywords in the first paragraph of the post-
eg. “Australis Lash Length Extensions Mascara– Lash Length Extensions mascara is the newest addition to the Australis ‘Mascara All Sorts’ range, it has a thin brush to reach and separate every lash, with ‘fibers’ that attach themselves to your lashes, giving the appearance of longer lashes”.
4. Place your keywords a few times throughout the content (but not too many times or it will be overkill) the wordpress plugin suggests using it in about 4% of your overall post.
5. Having a creative title for a post that doesn’t tell you what the post is about, won’t be any help to your SEO. The simpler it is, the better.
eg. someone is searching how to create a smokey eye look, here’s the blog post titles
– ‘How to create a smokey eye look, using grey eyeliner’ This title is too wordy and it will be harder to find on search engines because the keywords are not together.
-‘ Grey smokey eye tutorial’ This title is simple, straight to the point and would be found more easily if your focus keywords are ‘grey smokey eye’, as all the words appear directly after each other.
Tip for choosing the right keyword/s: Put yourself in the shoes of the person that is using the search engine. What do they want to look for? How would they describe what they are searching for? Not everyone knows phrases or beauty ‘terms’ used by bloggers. Type in what you would search for. Then simplify it, use less words…And there is your keyword or key phrase.
I hope this post has been helpful, I would love to hear your thoughts
xoxo Cotton Candy Diva