Generally I am a pretty happy person, but sometimes that can change when I come across many grumpy or impolite people in one day.
Usually I just laugh it off and think ‘do you know how ridiculous it is to be annoyed at someone for smiling at you?’ but when it happens a lot throughout the day or I come across a lot of grumpy and/or rude people it tends to bring down my mood.
I sometimes think, why do I bother even smiling at people or even being nice to people…but more often than not, the gesture is returned.
I have even come across people who were actually surprised that I helped them or were nice to them. I always wonder why anyone would be shocked that I would go out of my way to help them. Sure, they didn’t ask for my help, but it’s nice and most of the time it is appreciated.
It would be nice to be able to say that 90% of people you meet or see on the street are polite, happy people, but that wouldn’t be realistic…I’d say about maybe 70% because really, there does appear to be more polite people, than there are not.
anyway…enough of my ramblings.
until next time xoxo Cotton Candy diva